Another successful BIBA Conference for Lamb

May 2011 saw the annual BIBA Conference take place. It was a return visit to Manchester Central, pretty much everyone's favourite venue. Attended again by the good and the great of the insurance industry, Lamb were proud to have been retained to design and produce six stands this year. All different in design and with vastly different themes, each was in its own way a success. Pride of place though must be saved for MAPFRE ASSISTANCE who exhibited for the first time and their stand/our design was awarded the best at the show in its class. If you would like to see more of the work we did then click here

Work starts soon on BIBA 2012 to be held in Manchester again on 16th & 17th May.

Lamb will be there and if you are thinking of exhibiting we would be delighted to speak to you. Just get in touch at